Comments (5)

I must be the only person alive who has stood firm on "No new pets!" during this time. My plans for the future are about freedom and pets tend to need so much love and care (especially in the puppy or kitten stage) I am just not up for it. I love seeing other people's though! They're so cute and fluffy and now that you mention it, if I was to get a baby animal I would probably get a bunny.

Julie, that was 100% me, but I caved! And, I don't regret it. 🙂

Our two fur family have been our entertainment on so many Covid nights. Now is a great time to house train a puppy .There are inconveniences at times, but like with everything that's important to you, you figure a way to make it work.
Enjoy George!
Xx, Melanie

I love every bit of this. What an adorable addition to the family. You're going to have so much fun!

Rebecca…yes we are!

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