Comments (12)

Excellent advice!!! I especially agree about the follow through – if you say you're going to do something, you have to be prepared to do it. I also agree about the counting to 3…you are a savvy mom and I commend you!!!

Thank you Pamela! Lots of trial and error and wins and losses!

Having a set of parenting rules that both you and your husband agreed on was definitely key to avoiding a mixed message with your children. That was “lucky”…haha, kidding! I’m glad your approach worked well for you xo

Haha! Thank you Mary!

As a single Mom of 4 I've was given the advice to always be consistent. If it's not okay to jump on the sofa today, it's not okay tomorrow or ever. It wasn't always easy but I grew 4 healthy, happy and kind adults that have blessed me with 13 grandchildren.
With them it's all about making memories and always being someone they can trust and count on.

Yes!! Super advice! I love everything about this! What a legacy you have created!

This is great, Susan!! Such great advice🎉😍. While I feel we did a lot wrong while trying to do it all right, one thing I feel 💯% in is that we constantly prayed for our girls. We prayed for them to know Jesus and to love Him with all of their hearts. We also tried to foster open and honest conversations with them on hard things. It was important to model how to respect others by apologizing to them when we are wrong.

Yes! Agree 💯 on all of this! Wishing my prayer life and Jesus following had been a part of my life when my kids were you, but now, I pray for them daily and more! And I’m never too proud to apologize to my kids when I behaved badly either. Such great advice!

I enjoyed your post and can really relate to what you are saying, when it comes to being a parent, not being easy. Having raised two of my own I know exactly what you are talking about. Parenting is the hardest job, and I'm sure you'll agree, most rewarding.

Hi Christina! Yes, definitely most rewarding!

A little slow to read this and reply, but THANK YOU! Can you send this article to my in-laws please, LOL! As the mother to two amazing kids from Korea, my husband and I have worked tirelessly to ensure they are growing up to be good human beings. It is SO hard! I have taken a lot of great advice from you (thanks, sis) and we’ve found some things that work more specifically for their background…but the key (as many have commented) is consistency consistency consistency. They are both five now, and every day seems to get a bit better (sometimes WAY worse) than the one before. Yes, I’m lucky that these boys came into our lives…but oh my I cringe when I’m told how lucky I am two have two boys that are so well behaved! You obviously didn’t see me crying in my car last week after a particularly horrible day, but thanks! Thanks for writing this and reminding me there is a reason we keep at it Love you!

You are an amazing mama, and your boys are great human beings thanks to you! And Ciaron too! :). Love you so much! 💕

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